Leonard became a tutor at the Arthur Findlay collage in 1997 going on to be a course organiser. His development seemed to be quite rapid as he started serving churches in 1993 and has served churches all over the world, in place as far afield as USA and Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, the Shetland Islands and Guernsey. Leonard first became involved in spiritualism in 1991 and developed his mediumship under the guidance of Leonard Young at the Arthur Findlay Collage, Stansted Hall. LEONARD TATT Leonard grew up in a Roman Catholic family and has always been interested in the spiritual journey in whatever shape or form it may take. Having undergone this training my title is now Reverend John Jemmett.
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What the training taught him was how to tailor the ceremonies to fit with what the people were seeking, the help required by John was to advise on content and spiritual dimensions.

I was taught about interfaith work, world major religions and planning and performing the rites of passage in a person’s life, naming of children/adults, the marking of passage from childhood to adulthood, marriage ceremonies for all sections of the community and funerals. I was ordained in July 2015 after 2 years Seminary training. I am an ordained One Spirit Interfaith Minister. Having served the spiritualist movement for over 30 years as a working medium, undertaking Divine services, demonstrations of mediumship, private sittings, assessments, and the running and organizing of church circles. I have also studied Shamanic Studies with the Isle of Avalon foundation based in Glastonbury. I have attended many training courses with many well-known mediums. I have studied membership for many years by sitting in circles, for various types of mediumship from self-development, platform speaking, clairvoyance, private sittings, trance and physical mediumship. JOHN JEMMETT I was born in south Wales and have many experiences of working with the Spirit World, having inherited from both my parents a true understanding of my Celtic heritage as I am descended from welsh and Cornish roots.